Community Awareness Campaign on Malaria and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs)
- Engaged 1,200 community members in Sanzule, Eikwe, Krisan and Bakanta in the following:
- Causes, Control, Prevention and effects of Malaria, with emphasis on pregnant women and children under five (5) years,
- Sexually transmitted infections, condom demonstration/distribution, with emphasis on teen mothers and the youth.
- Conducted the following medical screening six (600), hundred community members
- Blood/Sugar Test
- Blood Pressure
- RDTs, with particular attention on pregnant women, children.
Malaria Social Behavioural Change-Community Level
- Selected and trained 50 community-based volunteers to serve as a focal person on malaria prevention in 25 communities in Wassa Amenfi East.
- Promoted the use of ITNs among pregnant women and children under five years.
- Encouraged pregnant women to take IPTp-SP to prevent malaria infection
HIV/STI/ITB/Malaria prevention, Treatment, Care and Support
- Empowered 3,000 in and out of school youth to reduce malaria infection in their communities.
- Equipped 4,000 PLHIV with knowledge, skills and key behavioral change messages in malaria prevention
- Linked 100 PLHIV into comprehensive care and treatment
- Promoted and distributed over 200 bed net and care pack to bed-ridden PLHIV.
- Hygiene education and Sanitation Promotion
- Sensitized chiefs, opinion leaders, churches and school children on environmental sanitation
- Educated community members and school children on proper hand washing in fishing communities
- Provided 10 waste bins to New Takoradi (beaches, market and school)
- Sexual Reproductive health and behavioral change
- Trained 100 Muslim leaders to advocate for sexual health education in their communities
- Trained 100 Muslim young girls on sexual reproductive health rights
Empowered over 10,000 young people on their reproductive rights (JHS, SHS Post Graduates)