Community Awareness Campaign on Malaria and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs)

  1. Engaged 1,200 community members in Sanzule, Eikwe, Krisan and Bakanta in the following:
  • Causes, Control, Prevention and effects of Malaria, with emphasis on pregnant women and children under five (5) years,
  • Sexually transmitted infections, condom demonstration/distribution, with emphasis on teen mothers and the youth.
  1. Conducted the following medical screening six (600), hundred community members
  • Blood/Sugar Test
  • Blood Pressure
  • RDTs, with particular attention on pregnant women, children.

Malaria Social Behavioural Change-Community Level

  1. Selected and trained 50 community-based volunteers to serve as a focal person on malaria prevention in 25 communities in Wassa Amenfi East.
  2. Promoted the use of ITNs among pregnant women and children under five years.
  3. Encouraged pregnant women to take IPTp-SP to prevent malaria infection

HIV/STI/ITB/Malaria prevention, Treatment, Care and Support

  1. Empowered 3,000 in and out of school youth to reduce malaria infection in their communities.
  2. Equipped 4,000 PLHIV with knowledge, skills and key behavioral change messages  in malaria prevention
  3. Linked 100 PLHIV  into comprehensive care and treatment
  4. Promoted and distributed over 200 bed net and care pack to bed-ridden PLHIV.
  • Hygiene education and Sanitation Promotion
  1. Sensitized chiefs, opinion leaders, churches and  school children on environmental sanitation
  2. Educated community members and school  children on proper hand washing in fishing communities
  3. Provided 10 waste bins to New Takoradi (beaches, market and school) 
  • Sexual Reproductive health and behavioral change
  1. Trained 100 Muslim leaders to advocate for sexual health education in their communities
  2. Trained 100 Muslim young girls on sexual reproductive health rights

Empowered over 10,000 young people on their reproductive rights (JHS, SHS Post Graduates)

Ken Kpodo-Executive Director

A highly motivated and results-oriented professional, with a proven track record of providing exemplary leadership in financial and operations management to a broad range of companies, including health-related organization, a not-for-profit organization, shipping and logistics companies, transport organization, farming and export.

Provides training for child rights ambassadors for child rights clubs in basic schools (private and public) and teachers in Takoradi.

As the Chief Operating Officer of Allure Africa Ltd, I was responsible for the overall profitability and management of the day to day operations of the group. I ensured the development and implementation of annual operational plans to meet the goals and overall vision of the group.

Furthermore, led the implementation of a change management strategy which created a well-known brand with global standards, through strong leadership.

My expertise spans from operational management, financial and budgetary planning, organic business growth, strategic planning, leadership and staff development, performance and quality standards, change management and records management.

I have offered training and capacity building consultancy services for projects as Rural Finance Services Project –World Bank Funded Project/GOG Partnership for Health Reform-(PHR plus Abt Project) USAID funded Project (Trainer in Mutual Health Organization) Ghana Aids Commission-funded by DfID and World Bank.

Click Here to View CV 

Lucy Adade-Chair/Founding Director

She has a broad spectrum of skills in the implementation of public health, sustainable livelihood and educational programs. She provides leadership to the organization in the implementation of projects that have led to behavioral change among youth, and key Population.  She has built the capacity of youth peer educators in life skills and sexual reproductive health issues including HIV and sexually transmitted infections.

As Vice President of Ghana Coalition of NGO’s in Health and Ghana HIV/AIDS Network, I monitored the activities of local NGO’s in the Western Region. I also provided consultancy services for FHI360 to train, mentor and build the technical capacity of nurse counsellors to deliver quality telephone-based counselling to populations at high risk of HIV, STIs and societal neglect.

Rural Aid Alliance Foundation (RAAF), is a social leadership movement established to address public health-related interventions and the poor cycle of teaching and learning in our deprived community’s public basic schools.

Rural Aid Alliance Foundation (RAAF) is a registered Ghanaian non-political, not-for-profit, non-governmental development organization in Takoradi, in Western Region of Ghana.

It is duly registered with the Registrar-General’s Department- CG 14983015 and Tax Identification Number- C0004736435, Department of Social Welfare and certified with Ghana Revenue Authority and Social Security and National Insurance Trust.

RAAF has implemented an integrated intervention in basic education and primary healthcare in some coastal districts in the Western Region.

  • Education
  1. Organizing Reading Clinics for pupils in four communities in the Ellembelle District
  2. Training of Teachers in Basic Schools (School Leadership, Instructional Planning, Classroom Management)
  • Health

HIV/AIDS Interventions

  • Increased availability and access to comprehensive active case finding, care and treatment services including reliable coverage across the continuum of care for KPs and the general population (GP).
  • Enhanced and sustained demand for comprehensive prevention, care and treatment services among KPs (FSW and their non-paying partners), and GPs (Adolescent Girls & Young Women – AGYW, men boys, pregnant women and other women).
  • Strengthen linkage to ART and retention in care for KPs and GPs who test positive to HIV

Community Health Awareness Campaign in the following:

  1. Causes, Control, Prevention and effects of Malaria, with emphasis on pregnant women and children under five (5) years,
  2. HIV/AIDS Sexually transmitted infections, condom demonstration/distribution, with emphasis on teen mothers and the youth.
  3. Causes, Control, Prevention and effect of Hepatitis B and C with emphasis on the youth
  4. Causes, control, prevention and effect of Helicobacter pylori (H-pylori)
  5. Causes , control, prevention of Typhoid fever
  6. Sanitation and Hygiene promotion in schools
  7. Malaria prevention interventions in pregnant women and children under five (5) years in collaboration with National Malaria Control Program in Wassa Amenfi West Municipal.

We were able to do all these with funding from the following but not limited to these organizations:

  1. ENI Ghana Exploration and Production Limited
  2. GNPC Foundation
  3. National Malaria Control Program/Global Fund
  4. USAID
  5. French Embassy
  6. DfID
  1. Tullow Ghana Limited

To be known and acknowledge as a leading NGO promoting, educating and empowering women, orphans and vulnerable children, and youth in Ghana.


To provide interventions for empowering women and youth to serve as a change agent for the transformation of their communities


  1. Improve the knowledge, skills and practices of women and youth in sexual reproductive health and sanitation.
  2. Equip women and youth in income-generating activities.
  3. Raise the awareness of women and youth in governance, human rights and gender issues.
  4. Provide nutritional and educational support to orphans and vulnerable children.
  5. Lead the social and behavioral change in communities for better child protection.
  6. Improve quality in the educational system by bridging the achievement gap between basic schools in deprived communities and well-endowed communities.
  7. Create alumni to advocate for continuous improvement in teaching and learning in our basic education.

Operational Districts

  • Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan District
  • Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly
  • Shama District
  • Ellembelle District Assembly
  • Amenfi East Municipal Assembly
  • Ahanta West District
  • KEEA

Organizational Structure

RAAF has a seven-member Board of Directors who initiates and takes major decisions on behalf of the organization. Apart from this, the day to day management of the organization is carried out by the Executive Director, the Project Officer, Finance and Administrative Officer and a Program Assistant.

Programme Areas

The major areas in which RAAF operates are:

  1. Basic Education and Sustainable Livelihoods
  2. Sexual and Reproductive health behavioral change and training
  3. Sanitation and Hygiene promotion
  4. Promotion and Prevention of non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, etc.
  5. Child Protection Advocacy
  6. Capacity building and youth development
  7. Environment & Climate Change

Previous Achievements

Rural Aid Alliance Foundation has over 19 years’ experience in implementing education and health-related intervention activities to vulnerable groups, using community-based peer educators, the organization through the capacity building was able to effect behavioral change in the community response to our interventions. Some of the projects implemented previously are:

1. Project Title: Care Continuum 2.0 Project

Duration: November 2019 – On going

Funded by: USAID/JSI


2. Project Title: Mobile Library and ICT for Basic Schools

Duration: January 2020- On-going

Funded by: Tullow Ghana Ltd and RAAF


3. Project title: Community Awareness Campaign-Malaria Prevention and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including HIV and other communicable infections.

Duration: Dec 2018 and August 2019

Funded by: ENI Ghana Exploration and Production Limited


4. Project title: USAID/Care Continuum

Duration: 2016 – 2017

Funded by: USAID/JSI


5. Project title: USAID/Care Continuum

Duration: 2016 – 2017

Funded by: USAID/JSI


6. Project title: USAID/LINKAGES

Duration: 2015 – 2016

Funded by: USAID/FHI 360


7. Project title: USAID/sharper project

Duration: 2012 – 2014 

Funded by: USAID/FHI 360


8. Project title: comprehensive treatment for HIV

Duration: 2007 – 2008

Funded by: DFID/FHI 360


9. Project title: Sanitation and Malaria

Duration: 2008

Funded by: AUSAID


10. Project title: Joint women initiative for HIV/AIDS in Muslim communities

Duration: 2003 – 2004

Funded by: GARFUND


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