
Community Awareness Campaign on Malaria and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs)

  1. Engaged 1,200 community members in Sanzule, Eikwe, Krisan and Bakanta in the following:
  1. Conducted the following medical screening six (600), hundred community members

Malaria Social Behavioural Change-Community Level

  1. Selected and trained 50 community-based volunteers to serve as a focal person on malaria prevention in 25 communities in Wassa Amenfi East.
  2. Promoted the use of ITNs among pregnant women and children under five years.
  3. Encouraged pregnant women to take IPTp-SP to prevent malaria infection

HIV/STI/ITB/Malaria prevention, Treatment, Care and Support

  1. Empowered 3,000 in and out of school youth to reduce malaria infection in their communities.
  2. Equipped 4,000 PLHIV with knowledge, skills and key behavioral change messages  in malaria prevention
  3. Linked 100 PLHIV  into comprehensive care and treatment
  4. Promoted and distributed over 200 bed net and care pack to bed-ridden PLHIV.
  1. Sensitized chiefs, opinion leaders, churches and  school children on environmental sanitation
  2. Educated community members and school  children on proper hand washing in fishing communities
  3. Provided 10 waste bins to New Takoradi (beaches, market and school) 
  1. Trained 100 Muslim leaders to advocate for sexual health education in their communities
  2. Trained 100 Muslim young girls on sexual reproductive health rights

Empowered over 10,000 young people on their reproductive rights (JHS, SHS Post Graduates)