
Rural Aid Alliance Foundation (RAAF), is a social leadership movement established to address public health-related interventions and the poor cycle of teaching and learning in our deprived community’s public basic schools.

Rural Aid Alliance Foundation (RAAF) is a registered Ghanaian non-political, not-for-profit, non-governmental development organization in Takoradi, in Western Region of Ghana.

It is duly registered with the Registrar-General’s Department- CG 14983015 and Tax Identification Number- C0004736435, Department of Social Welfare and certified with Ghana Revenue Authority and Social Security and National Insurance Trust.

RAAF has implemented an integrated intervention in basic education and primary healthcare in some coastal districts in the Western Region.

  1. Organizing Reading Clinics for pupils in four communities in the Ellembelle District
  2. Training of Teachers in Basic Schools (School Leadership, Instructional Planning, Classroom Management)

HIV/AIDS Interventions

Community Health Awareness Campaign in the following:

  1. Causes, Control, Prevention and effects of Malaria, with emphasis on pregnant women and children under five (5) years,
  2. HIV/AIDS Sexually transmitted infections, condom demonstration/distribution, with emphasis on teen mothers and the youth.
  3. Causes, Control, Prevention and effect of Hepatitis B and C with emphasis on the youth
  4. Causes, control, prevention and effect of Helicobacter pylori (H-pylori)
  5. Causes , control, prevention of Typhoid fever
  6. Sanitation and Hygiene promotion in schools
  7. Malaria prevention interventions in pregnant women and children under five (5) years in collaboration with National Malaria Control Program in Wassa Amenfi West Municipal.

We were able to do all these with funding from the following but not limited to these organizations:

  1. ENI Ghana Exploration and Production Limited
  2. GNPC Foundation
  3. National Malaria Control Program/Global Fund
  4. USAID
  5. French Embassy
  6. DfID
  1. Tullow Ghana Limited

To be known and acknowledge as a leading NGO promoting, educating and empowering women, orphans and vulnerable children, and youth in Ghana.


To provide interventions for empowering women and youth to serve as a change agent for the transformation of their communities


  1. Improve the knowledge, skills and practices of women and youth in sexual reproductive health and sanitation.
  2. Equip women and youth in income-generating activities.
  3. Raise the awareness of women and youth in governance, human rights and gender issues.
  4. Provide nutritional and educational support to orphans and vulnerable children.
  5. Lead the social and behavioral change in communities for better child protection.
  6. Improve quality in the educational system by bridging the achievement gap between basic schools in deprived communities and well-endowed communities.
  7. Create alumni to advocate for continuous improvement in teaching and learning in our basic education.

Operational Districts

Organizational Structure

RAAF has a seven-member Board of Directors who initiates and takes major decisions on behalf of the organization. Apart from this, the day to day management of the organization is carried out by the Executive Director, the Project Officer, Finance and Administrative Officer and a Program Assistant.